The PASC20 Organizing Team is pleased to invite organizations from industry and academia to take advantage of a range of sponsorship opportunities for PASC20.
PASC20 – to be held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, from June 29 to July 1, 2020 – offers a great chance for organizations to gain visibility at a national and international level, to network with key leaders in the fields of HPC simulation and data science, and to showcase research and development.
The conference provides a global platform for participants from academia, research labs and industry to discuss the state-of-the-art in high performance computing simulation and data science. PASC20 brings together researchers from diverse scientific fields including chemistry, materials science, life sciences, physics, climate and weather, solid earth dynamics, engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, and emerging application domains. The conference builds on a successful history – with 430 attendeesfrom 24 countries in 2019 – and continues to expand its program and international profile year on year.
Kindly contact the Organizing Committee at to secure your sponsorship package!
Sponsors at previous PASC Conferences
PASC Conference partner sponsors at previous editions of the event include Inspur, Hewlett Packard Enterprise,IBM, the Paul Scherrer Institute, Cray Inc., DDN, Dell EMC, Intel Corporation, NCCR MARVEL, Microsoft, Novartis, and NVIDIA.