We are pleased to announce that preparations are well underway for the PASC21 Conference, which will combine content from the postponed PASC20 Conference together with new contributions. We are grateful to presenters who confirmed their participation in next year’s edition and invite you to peruse the program as it currently stands, which includes a number of minisymposia and papers from various scientific domains.
With the increase in content compared to previous years, we have decided to lengthen the conference to four days. We look forward to welcoming you in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 5 to 8, 2021.
PASC21 welcomes new paper and minisymposium submissions in a broad range of scientific disciplines: Chemistry and Materials, Life Sciences, Physics, Climate and Weather, Solid Earth Dynamics, Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, and Emerging Application Domains.
Join computational scientists and HPC experts from all corners of the world to discuss methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges and novel techniques in HPC.