ISC High Performance and the PASC Conference are pleased to announce that ISC 2020 and PASC20, two major events in the European HPC ecosystem, are scheduled back-to-back at the end of June and beginning of July 2020.
ISC High Performance is an international high performance computing conference that connects senior practitioners and technology providers in the field with commercial users, junior researchers, and students. Over 3,700 HPC enthusiasts and 160 exhibitors attend the conference and exhibition each year. The next conference program is chaired by Prof David Keyes of KAUST.
The ISC High Performance 2020 conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21 – 25, and the organizers are excited to offer researchers, scientists, engineers and PhD students the opportunity to participate in the Contributed Program, which is currently open for submission. ISC 2020 looks forward to your active participation!